We're currently in the middle of a series of home renovations in Italy. Similar stories, different countries. I've had so many of these interactions that I've stopped finding them interesting. Hah thanks for the reminder to look at them from a different angle!

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I have fallen in love with a condemned wreck of a building in a Portuguese village (not yet purchased), so can picture this scenario quite easily.

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Good luck with the renovations and with the relatioship with your neighbour! I know in small town people are used to things and get easily disturbed. Molta paciència!

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Russell I just found this article on my feed. Not sure how, but I'm happy I did. You handled this really well. That anecdote about this guy killing his own cat's kittens was horrific. That tells me all I need to know about this guy lol.

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So, what’s the current vibe with your neighbor?

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I think the current vibe is détente :)

Agreeing to move past it.

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It’s somehow reassuring to know in Spain they skirt clear, direct communication and default to white lies just as in the US.

Being acknowledged that fixing up an abandoned home is not only good for you but for the small city must have felt good, your integrity not in question. Perhaps not by your neighbor yet but at least a local authority.

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I wouldn't want to generalize from that one interaction, but I probably would say that small towns everywhere share some things in common that may transcend differences between their respective countries.

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I could see that. Appreciate your reply, Max.

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