I use the phrase 'spiritual path,' but after reading your article, I prefer 'spiritual wilderness' because you're right. It's more accurate. I'm just fumbling through, trying to stay awake for the "full catastrophe," as Jon Kabat-Zinn says, whether in the spiritual, entrepreneurial, or parenting wilderness. Thank you for your thoughts and insights.
I use the phrase 'spiritual path,' but after reading your article, I prefer 'spiritual wilderness' because you're right. It's more accurate. I'm just fumbling through, trying to stay awake for the "full catastrophe," as Jon Kabat-Zinn says, whether in the spiritual, entrepreneurial, or parenting wilderness. Thank you for your thoughts and insights.
Loved this! Another former reporter here, on Team Pathless. Working hard to let go that arc. This helps. Thank you, sir.
great post - I can relate to all of this. (and yes, writing is always a challenge!)
The best article I have read on this topic. Good job. And congratulations.