Jan 21Liked by Russell Max Simon

I just wrote a post about my Italian learning. I am also in B1. Being in language school with such a diverse group of people is so fun. I am definitely a social learner. Plus, all of those little interactions are great to practice (eg. hey, how was your weekend, can I buy you a coffee, etc.)

I liked the graph you shared! Sometimes I feel like it's ups and downs. It only takes one bad interaction to send me back to the Valley of Despair.


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Hey! Good post, tons of stuff resonating here of course. For example: "I’ve had a very complicated relationship with success and being a beginner is helping me practice new ways to change my definition. “Old me” might have said, “I need to pass the certification level for B2” to check it off my list. As I reflected back on my progress in Italian, I realized something: the reasons behind why I want to learn Italian are more important than checking off any certification."

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I love reading all of Russell's posts but this one was especially great because it tracks my experience. I will be going to Guatemala in April and am working through Pimsleur's audio classes. I'm doing pretty well. But I know from experience that I'll be flirting with the Valley of Despair once I get there.

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Me encanta esto. Estoy aprendiendo español también. It has frustrated me deeply and excited me immensely. Great work on pushing thru the challenge that is language learning!

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They grow up so fast 🥹 Bien hecho!

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